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Managed Print Services (MPS) For DC Area Businesses Skip to main content


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Managed Print Services (MPS) For DC Area Businesses

Fri Jan 24, 2014 | Ameritel Corporation

Managed Print Services For DC Area Businesses

Pretty much every business is looking for ways to reduce expenses, and improve productivity. What if one solution could do both? Managed Print Services can help!

Reduce Areas of Wasted Costs & Expenses

Garnter Research tells us that a typical office spends 1-3% of annual revenue on printing and other forms of document production, which might come as a surprise to you, as Gartner’s survey also tells that the typical organization doesn’t really know how much they spend on document production, and have no print strategy in place. Often, the expense associated with hardware acquisition, repairs, and supplies are spread across various departments and different vendors. Pinning down these costs, and identifying areas of improvement with a managed print solution strategy, can offer tangible benefits: a considerable improvement on the bottom line, reduction of waste, improved use of mature technologies, and better forecast future expenses.

We Can Help

Ameritel’s Mike Hamilton, our MPS specialist, has published a white paper that describes the benefits of MPS, the path to integration, and offers solutions that your organization can use this year. To request a copy of the white paper, please contact Mike at , or call us at 301-363-4902.



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