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3 Ways Managed Print Services Benefit Teams
Tue May 23, 2023 | Ameritel Corporation
Managed print services can be extremely beneficial for businesses that are looking to cut down on spending and better their internal processes! Print is often overlooked when it comes time to discuss budgets and productivity. People don’t consider how much money they spend every year on printing until it’s too late. Likewise, they forget how efficient printing is important for completing work in a timely manner. But your print fleet shouldn’t be ignored. By taking a closer look at your printing habits, your team could be:
Saving Money
Improving Security
Decreasing Stress
Every organization, from a small business to a government organization, prints a ton of pages every day. Things like invoices, client files, and contracts are necessary for finishing projects. But without properly assessing your print habits, your company is likely losing money and you could also be risking the security of your data.
Did you know that there are often hidden costs when purchasing a printer? Everything from supplies management to maintenance now falls on your company’s shoulders. Eventually, the numbers start to add up. Managed print services can alleviate your team leaders from unnecessary print-related stress!
Here are three ways that managed print services can benefit your team.
1. Helping You Save on Print-Related Costs
Whether your team has one printer for the office or an entire fleet, one thing remains the same. Printing requires resources, from supplies to maintenance, and will cost your team money. Before you decide that maybe it’s time to cut down on your printing, keep in mind that physical documents help improve comprehension.
Professor Virginia Clinton compiled results from 33 studies, and found that 29 reported reading physical texts was more beneficial than reading digital documents (The Hechinger Report). This goes to show that printed documents can keep your team organized and working more effectively. But if not managed correctly, the cost of printing can become burdensome to your organization.
That’s where managed print services come in!

Having a team of print experts closely examine the printing habits of your office can help you find areas for cost savings. The average office worker prints almost 8,000 pages per year (Medium), but do you know how much each of those pages is costing you? One of the first steps that managed print teams take is calculating the exact costs-per-page for your office. They’ll equip your team with a strategy to lower these costs and outline areas where you could save on print.
From decreasing your costs-per-page to optimizing your print processes, managed print services can help your organization reduce operating costs by up to 30% (Key Digital)!
2. Improving Your Document Security
Document security is top of mind for many these days. Data breaches are on the rise, and with teams now favoring the hybrid work model businesses are more concerned about their documents than ever before. While there are many steps you can take to protect your digital data, people often forget that their printed documents are also at risk.

Sending your documents to the wrong printer, for example, can lead to confusion and pages can be left behind in print trays for anyone to take. These documents could contain sensitive information that isn’t meant to be shared between departments. Consider government organizations, for example, who might have different levels of security clearances between departments. Having sensitive documents fall into the wrong hands can have serious consequences. Luckily, managed print services can alleviate stress surrounding printed document security.
To prevent your documents from being lost, stolen, or falling into the wrong hands, managed print experts can help set you up with a secure printing solution. This can include documents only being released once your team member has authenticated it themselves. Secure printing solutions, also known as a secure pull printing solution or follow-me-printing, can involve users inputting passwords or swiping a card once they reach the printer. Documents will then only be released to those authorized to see them, and the risk of leaving a page behind in the print tray will decrease significantly.
3. Unburdening Your IT Team
IT teams are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. They’re having to monitor and implement secure systems across a whole network of devices, both in-office and from home. This has caused a lot of burn out and increased turnover rates within IT departments. You might think that asking IT for help with a print-related issue will be a quick and easy fix, but it could be removing them from critical tasks and adding to their stress.

By going to your IT department with a print-related issue, your team is left open to more cybersecurity threats and your internal processes will get bogged down. With each question, your team is losing valuable time and money. It’s currently estimated that nearly 23% of all IT help desk calls are print-related (Key Digital). That’s nearly a quarter of your IT department’s time being spent resolving print problems!
Managed print service teams are available to:
Answer all your print questions
Monitor and manage supplies levels
Keep track of maintenance alerts. They are there to support your team with any and all print related issues, every step of the way! This will take the workload off your IT team’s shoulders and give them back more time in their day to focus on engaging and important tasks.
Looking to improve your print processes? We can help! Learn more about our managed print services by clicking here. Or, if you'd like to speak with someone on our team, you can contact us by clicking the button below and filling out our form.
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